Does Aras Trading Incorporated have experience in transporting one type of item/commodity to a specific destination?
Aras Trading Incorporated is a global network company. We have many years of experiences in transporting different types of items to specific destination. However, we have to abide by Maritime International Laws and many other regulations for example, BIS, ITAR, OFAC, and so on. The type of item/commodity you wish to ship will determine if that is allowed under international treaties and local restrictions. Another factor to take into consideration is the fact that there are different types of items ranging from machinery, cars, garments, chemicals to food or perishables. It is best to call our customer service department for further information.
Is Aras Trading Incorporated a member of any freight forwarding network or licensed by an independent federal agency?
Do we provide cargo insurance?
Do you have a network of agents in the destination country of my shipment?
Does my consignment require any special packaging?
Who will handle my consignment? Can I track my consignment?
Do we offer a detailed no-obligation quote for free?
How long will it take you to ship my consignment?
Which currency do you accept?
Can I get a discount?